Sunday 14 July 2013

More letters from France

What a pretty town! I have arrived at a very good time here as today is Quatorze Juillet which for those who did not take French at school is the day the Bastille in Paris was stormed and Freedom, Equality and Fraternity was won. Alons enfants de la .....etc ! If you have seen Les  Miserables you will understand (apart from Russell Crowe cant sing!)
However the tricolor is out today and bunting in the square, dancing the Sardane outside the Mayors office topped off with fireworks tonight.

Muriel, my host is a gentle and very kind lady and she has taken me to the market in a nearby town yesterday to do her weekly shopping. We opted not to stay for the Corrida (running of the bulls), way too cruel and of course there is always the possibility that the bulls may run raster than moi? Muriel made me Pain Perdue yesterday which translates as "lost bread" because it uses up the stale bits. We call it French Toast!

 The area is near the French Pyrenees, called North Catalan, and is obviously popular with campers! Campgrounds everywhere and families relaxing together as it is school holidays here. The place is very busy and the fireworks were phenomenal. Brought back memories of the fabulous night in Hanover with H and Cob.

Getting to sleep here is interesting as the windows and shutters are open to keep cool, but the frogs make a hell of a racket all night. I guess they have to entertain themselves somehow as they possibly dont have legs here?

Tomorrow off to Marseille by bus and train ready to fly to Nantes for my next assignment helping a family shift from west to east across France to near the Swiss border. Just need a boat ride to complete the old folk song. Now I wonder if I can wangle a ferry trip somewhere?


  1. am enjoying reading your blogs.Keep going girl!!
    Big D xxoo

  2. you do realise that any comment put on the blog can be read by the whole world? Just in case you get personal!
